Indigestion Treatment — Rockwall

The best beginning for treating indigestion is to learn about what it is and how you get it.
Indigestion is a generic term that encompasses many different issues of the gastroesophageal tract. It includes heartburn, but also irritated or inflamed stomach maladies.
Generally happening after or while you are eating, it can feel like bloating or too much acid in the stomach, but can indicate other issues.
If you need treatment for stomach ulcers, GERD, or acid reflux in Rockwall, schedule an appointment to learn natural ways to treat indigestion. Call (469) 769-1009.

Symptoms can include one or more of the following:

Improper eating habits are often to blame for these symptoms, but those habits can be changed.

Common Causes

The four most common causes of indigestion are:
Ulcers are created when there is a hole in the stomach lining or the stomach acid is out of balance. Ulcer pain can be very painful, and is worse after eating, resulting in heartburn.

Our bodies react to tension and issues in our lives with stress. Hormones are released which affect the body’s systems, causing indigestion, and other symptoms.

Reflux Condition

When acid in your stomach moves back up to the throat area, it is called gastroesophageal reflux disorder and creates a strong burning sensation.

Incompatible Foods

At times, an allergic reaction to certain foods can create indigestion. This is a common occurrence for many people, but is milder and less often than other causes of indigestion.

How Can We Treat Indigestion?

Our Rockwall clinic’s treatment for acid reflux, GERD, stomach ulcers, and other forms of indigestion can be remedied using natural methods and lifestyle habits, such as:

Find Out How We Can Help

Indigestion and other health issues can be improved with help from a qualified practitioner and a good nutrition plan. We offer a custom program called Nutrition Response Testing, which looks at any imbalances in your body and helps to reverse the issues in a natural and safe way.

Call to schedule an appointment to discuss issues with indigestion.

Call Rockwall Health Center at (469) 769-1009 to schedule a visit.

Rockwall Health Center | (469) 769-1009
Rockwall Health Center
(469) 769-1009

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